Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This one's for you Harry

I saw Harry Potter.  I don't know what to sad except that I am sad.  I cried, I know that's nerdy and lame, but I love love Harry Potter.  I grew up with it and always had the book the day it came out.  I always got the shaft and read it last, but I still followed along religiously.  I am sad it's over, but glad that J.K. Rowling made this series happened.  I have all the movies and books so of course I can still read and watch the movies, but it wont be the same.  And of course I still have my Harry Potter marathons on ABC Family.  I know it's lame, but I definitely learned things from this series.  Watching it and going along through the book you see the amazing friendship that the three characters have.  They stay close and intact through the whole thing and even through tough times.  Even though Harry risks his life every book to fight Voldemort, Ron and Hermione are always right by his said taking the same risks.  I love that, and know I have some wonderful friends that I can count on.  I love them to death and know we will be friends in our old age.

I absolutely love this photo.  This is one of the 2nd movies posters, and I love how young they look.  You see the movies now and they are so grown up and older, I love how the actors grew up on the set of these movies.

Lately I have been running a lot more than I usually do.  Like I will try to run everyday but I never do.  Something always comes up or I am always working.  But lately I have been pushing myself.  The other day I ran 7 miles and was so pumped and proud.  I have never just run 7 miles on my own.  I have done races, but never just gone out in my neighborhood and run that much.  It felt great!  Today though I was feeling pretty sore and tired from working out yesterday.  I wasn't even sure I wanted to go to the gym.  I was so tired and just lazy and did not feel like pushing myself at all.  I went though.  It only took me till 7 at night to go, but I went.  I only felt like running 3 miles because I wasn't feeling to hot, but I put mind over matter and told myself 4 miles.  I then got to 4 miles and go well why not just 1 more mile, so I ended at 5 miles, drenched in sweat, feeling great.
Something that keeps me to work out is the feeling I get after it.   I always feel so productive and feel like I can do so much after.  Like I could clean a whole house, although I wouldn't, because I have all this energy and just all in all feel great.

Just an update...11 days till I move in to my house!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Long Run Sunday

First off I would like to say congratulations to the USA women's soccer team.  Even though we didn't win, they controlled the game and played their hardest.  I know it sucks to lose it when you are up like that, but you have to learn to just move on and know that you did your best.  They still have many more times.  I know I can relate to that, so many times when I have played soccer has my team controlled the whole game and let the other teams have near to zero shots, but just one of the shots go in.  I keep my head up and know that my team played the best we could and played to our abilities, that's something to be proud of.  I always like watching the world cup and olympics for soccer.  I used to, when I was younger, wanted to be on the national team.  How cool would that be to play soccer as a job!  I would love it.  Especially if someone made a sign for me that said Jennifer Hubbard for President like they did for Abby Wambach, ha.

Today I just felt like running.  I sometimes have those days, when no matter how far I run, it still seems so small to me.  I ran 4 miles, but I couldn't stop there.  Then I told myself I would run 2 more miles, but 6 miles just seemed insignificant to me, I had to do one more, 7 seemed like a pretty round number.  I felt great the last 3 miles.  I felt like I was flying even though I know if a car passed me they would be like whoa what a slow poke.  I kept going and pushed through it.  I had a weird night.  I drove around for awhile thinking that would help me think and get over things, but it didn't.  It was Sunday so of course no stores were open, so I decided to run.  Running is something for me that just helps me think and take out all my pent up anger or just help me calm down if I am all worked up.  I know I can turn to running whenever I have a bad day.  Running makes me happy, and I am glad that I found it and get to experience these amazing days like today.

What is running to you?

Friday, July 15, 2011

7 things

So since I got nominated for the blogger award (so cool!) I will share 7 random things about myself.

1.  I love polar pops.  Like I could get one everyday and be so content.  I don't know why but polar pops always taste so much better than regular can soda or in the 2 liter

2.  I am obsessed with Mexican food.  I could again eat that every day.  I eat it at least once a week and never get tired.  I love El Tarazco, El Nopal, and Los Astecas.  Even though I am a vegetarian I still find awesome meals there!

3.  I am outgoing and very adventurous.  If you tell me to do something, as long as it's sane, I will do it.  I love taking risk and trying out new things.  I want to do so much more crazy stuff in the future, like bungee jumping and other sorts.

Me repelling off a huge cliff at Red River Gorge during a week long service project

4.  I have played soccer my whole life until recently.  I played my first semester of college and then decided it was not for me anymore, I was burnt out.  Soccer was the best sport for me and helped me make the many friends that I still have today.  I still play for fun and hope to continue doing that in the future.

Senior night with my mom for my High School Varsity team

5.  I am a vegetarian.  If you couldn't have guessed by my blog name, but I am.  I have been one for about 7 years now, and am doing great.  I gave up meat not for any purpose or to help animals, although I love animals for sure, but because I don't like the taste of it anymore.  I love finding new recipes and trying them out, the best vegetarian thing to make is homemade hummus or falafel.

6.  My dream in life is to become a Senator.  I know it's a long stretch, but I love politics and I really want to make a difference.  I love helping people, and this is the job I would love to have.  If not, I really would love to become a Political Journalist.  I like to write and would love to travel and really get out in the world.  I did KYA and KUNA conferences during high school which were all about debating and talking about the issues and absolutely fell in love with politics during these conferences.

This is my cousin, Ruby, and I at one of the conferences our senior year

7.  I love Harry Potter.  I have read all the books at least twice, seen all the movies over 10 times maybe more, and I love it.  I have loved the series since it came out and am an avid follower.  Every time Harry Potter weekend comes on ABC Family, you know I am right there watching it.  Even though I have seen every movie so many times, I still get sucked in and love it.  I am quite sad the last movie is over, but I will continue to watch them and still love everything about the series!

I don't really know who all has been tagged for the blogging award, so I don't really know who to tag.  It was an honor to be tagged and I loved reading everyone else's 7 things!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm Back : )

I know I have been definitely neglecting my blog for quite sometime, so here I am back and in action.  Just because I have not been writing on my blog does not mean I have not stopped running.  I am still up and at it and feeling great.  I try and run everyday but it's really hard with my work schedule and some other great news!!!!

My two roomies and I finally found a house!!  We have had so much trouble and so many failed attempts, but this one finally worked out.  We signed the lease last week and move in in 2 weeks, August 1st.  I am so pumped.  We already have like everything picked out and all our furniture and decorations, we would move in tomorrow if we could.  When we move in, more pictures and details will come!

Here is the street view of our house.  It's really pretty and one of the best ones we looked at our of the 100's.  I guess good things do come to those who wait : )

I ran today and decided to do speed work, which my sister suggested when I was in Utah to help get faster.  I liked it a lot.  It was really hard but I stuck with it and want to continue to do it to get better and faster as a runner.  Lately I have been trying to run outside everyday, but Kentucky sure is hot.  It is usually 98 degrees, feels like 115 degrees, everyday with a ton of humidity.  I guess though not running those couple days was the much needed rest that my body needed.  I feel better, although today I was having knee problems.  Just some ice and a nice diet coke will make it feel better.

But what brought me back you ask, especially today?  Well I have been wanting to blog every night but my work schedule does not like me too.  I am always tired so when I want to blog, I go to sleep instead.  So today I go to the gym and come back home and check my email and have a great email awaiting me.  A fellow blogger nominated me for a blogger award.  It was one for new bloggers!  I felt awesome!  Even though I have not been keeping up with this blog as much as I want, I still got nominated.  I feel awesome and this email definitely made my day.  This email made me realize how much I miss the blogging world.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Busy Busy

I have as usual been so busy lately.  I keep meaning to blog but keep forgetting because I am just all over the place.  I had a couple days off from work and I was in paradise.  But I have been running an extreme amount, or at least for me ha.

I have been trying to run 4 miles every day or more.  Well 2 days ago I decided to go running after work.  I hadn't really eaten all day and after work grabbed a salad and ate, then waited like 3 hours then headed out.  Well the salad didn't sit well and I threw up about a mile and a half into the run.  I thought nothing of it so kept running.  Literally .2 miles later I threw up again.  I was like okay this is not normal so I guess I will just walk home and call it quits.  I got home and passed out, well not like black out, but like was so sick and so tired I just went to bed and passed out.

The next day I was a little nervous about running, but I was supposed to meet with a friend to go running that night.  I decided to run a short run just to see how I was feeling and if I would be good to go later on that night.  I did a 2 mile run and felt fine, so decided to just keep running later.  My friend and I went to Cherokee Park which is a huge park that I was afraid we would get lost.  We wanted to do 2 miles, so since I had my handy Nike watch, I said we could just run 1 mile then turn around and go back.  Well he ended up realizing the loop and it was exactly 2 miles!  So convenient.

After a hard run where we sprinted the hills we got some yummy Qudoba, more mexican food yum, and then went to of course Fro-Yo.  A new place opened right by my house called Choices and it was soooo good.  I wasn't that hungry but of course I made room for some frozen yogurt.

I really need to start remembering to take pictures,  This is basically what I ate, minus the chicken and of course some hot sauce!

So pumped for 4th of July though, my fav holiday.  I just have to get through 5 straight days of working, but it's worth it for some good food and crazy cool fireworks!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some Damn Good Mexican Food

Today after I looked at a house with my two friends, one of them and I decided to go out to eat.  Obviously the first thing that came into my mind was Mexican.  I am literally obsessed.  I don't know what it is, because I have never really enjoyed or even like the taste of it, but then all of the sudden, bam, I can't get enough.  I think I go maybe 1-2 times a week really.  Tonight I went to Los Aztecas on good old Bardstown Road, but normally there is a place I love and would go to everyday if I could; El Torasco.  I normally get a Taco Salad with no meat and rice and beans instead, but I finally decided to switch it up and now my new obsession is the Mushroom Quesadilla with green peppers and cheese.  It literally is amazing and next time you go to an awesome Mexican place, you should really try it.  I forgot to take a picture of the mouth watering goodness, and tried to find a good picture of it online so here is something that looks somewhat like it.

Trust me it taste a lot better than this picture does justice

What's your favorite type of food?  Do you have anything that you cannot get enough of?

Also since I ate like a king today, I went running after.  I didn't really have a set number of miles in mind, so just decided to run this new route I like with a little extra roads.  For some reason lately I like sprint my first mile.  I think I am just so pumped to be getting out and running that I am to eager and just run.  So then my pace is like all over the place.  I really want to work on getting a stead, good pace, that would be awesome.  I ended up running about 4.5 miles and felt really good.  I decided to sprint the hills which sucked but felt so great after I reached the top.  I didn't feel as good as I did last night, but I still had a great run.  I wish there were some good runs coming up in KY, but there really aren't any until the fall.  I guess I will just keep having to train and get ready.  I wish some of my friends here would run with me!  I need to learn how to be more persuasive to get them to come!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Beautiful Night

I have trouble keeping up with this thing, but I am motivated to keep this thing going and to update it more than I have been doing.  This blog helps me get my thoughts out and it somewhat helps me to keep running.

This weekend was crazy.  One of the best things I think Louisville has to offer happens during the summer, Downs after Dark.  I know I am lame.  It's night racing at Churchill Downs and they have dancing and just all around fun.  I love it because a great time to just cut loose and have fun with some friends and see some crazy things happen.  I love Churchill Downs and love that I get to live in Louisville, home of the Kentucky Derby, woo woo!

That's my cousin Brandy and me before we went in.  Some say were pretty crazy together and say we somehow always get in trouble, hmmmm

I also have been continuing to work at Macy's.  My feet kill after work and I think I have set the record for most blisters on someone's feet.  I have a total of 6.  Since I work like 9 hours a day I have been slacking on the running which sucks.  But today I was dedicated to get a run in.  I waited till it cooled off more and went for a run around the neighborhood.  I ran 4 miles and felt really good.  Like I have no clue what came over me, I like ran like a cheetah.  Mk maybe not that fast, but I just felt great and wish every run was like that.  Especially running on a beautiful night like this just feels amazing.  I think I have decided I like running more at night because it's so calming and I feel better and feel like I could run forever.  I like night's like these because it keeps me motivated to run because I want every run to feel like this.  I know I have bad days, but those bad days are worth days like tonight.

Also I should mention I finally checked out the local Fro-Yo in Louisville.  I have never been and there was one that just opened on Bardstown road so I decided to check it out with some friends.

This is me with my scrumptious yogurt.  I literally piled on the toppings and yogurt and ate it all!  It ended up being 7 dollars!  But here in KY it cost 49 cents an ounce, what a bummer

Although it wasn't better than Yogurtland in Utah, it was definitely still good and hit the spot.  I think I am obsessed and already planning another trip this week.  There is another yogurt place opening in a couple days or weeks and I will for sure be there opening day.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

This One's for Julia

So supposedly I am slacking on my blogging according to someone, but I wont name any names.  I have been so busy busy lately.  Literally right when I get back from Utah I am right at it again.  I would think that I would get like a couple days to rest and relax from my vacation, but then I realized this is real life.  My boss called me less then 24 hours after I was back and had me scheduled basically every single day this week with 9 hour shifts each day, hmmm.  But the bright side, which I always like to look at, I will be making some bank.  So now I can support my shopping addiction.  I work at Macy's so if you are ever in the Louisville area, come and visit, I am 99.2 percent positive I will be there.

Yepp this is what one of the tornadoes looked like

JKKK - that would suck, they were pretty small, but I couldn't find a good picture of them, also I am just glad that no one was hurt in any of this.  Even though it was small, you never know what could happen.  I'm thankful my friends and family were okay and everyone else in my community.

Other than working non stop - so much excitement occurred last night!  Can you say tornado party!?  Jk - I was stuck at work for an extra 2 hours, and not only did 1 tornado touch down, but yes 5 tornado's, it was thrilling.  At least everyone is safe and there wasn't much damage except for Churchill Downs, but don't fret, night racing is still on for tomorrow, my life is complete, ha.

With running I am still staying on my schedule, or trying.  I am supposed to run 4 miles today, but I don't know if my legs will let me, it's going to be interesting.  I will attempt it, but I'm sure it is not going to be pretty.  Like my wise sister said; "why can't I run and sleep at the same time, I am so tire."  TRUE THAT HOMES!!!!  I wish things came that easy, but it's life and you have to strive and fight for what you want, and I want to become more in shape and PR on my next marathon, SOOO LEGGOO!  I'm pretty out of it right now, so I apologize if this blog post was a hassle to get through and or terrible.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Ole Kentucky Home

Today I finally came back to the great state of Kentucky.  It was a long, tiring trip back, but I was a lot more happier than I though I would to be back.  I was used to Utah's sun shiny weather, but of course when I return this is what I see

It was pouring.  Like horrible.  My friend picked me up from the airport and we were driving home and we could not see the road.  It was awful, not like the Utah weather I was used to at all.  Oh well I guess I need to get used to the unpredictability, since that's what Kentucky is all about.

It was great though to see some familiar faces, although it was quite weird.  Even though I was gone for only 2 weeks everyone seemed different.  My dogs were like huge sausages, although I don't think that's a difference, I think I am just used to Riley and her unnatural skinniness.

But after eating a meal and updating my mom, I decided I needed a run.  I was a little skeptical and nervous about doing this, because the last time I ran I tweaked my knee pretty bad.  I am on a new training schedule for the Half-marathon I am doing in November so today's workout was just a 3 mile run, not to bad.  I geared up and headed out.  It felt great!  It was perfect weather and not to humid like KY is known for.  My knee felt fine, except a little pain.  I ran my 3 miles at a great pace and felt amazing after.  I sweated sooo much though.  More extreme then in Utah.  

  This is just my front, my entire back is covered...ew

I am pretty tired and feel alright for being back in KY, but i know things will get back to normal in no time.  I have a busy week ahead so I know I will soon get back into the swing of my daily routine while continuing to work on my running schedule to kick butt on my next Half!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Last Day in Utah

Soo today just happens to be my last and final day in Utah.  It was a pretty chill day, just what I needed after a crazy weekend.  I'm sad to leave but will not forget the many memories and amazing experiences that took place here.  I love it here and would love to stay for another month, but Kentucky and the real world calls my name.  I miss my friends and family, so I will be really happy to see them.

Utah was so relaxing and something that I needed.  My life is pretty hectic, so taking these 2 weeks to just chill out and have fun was amazing.  I never get the chance to take a vacation, so I was pretty pumped when I got the chance.  Although I feel like I ran and hiked a lot during my stay, I could not have asked for anything better.  The chance to be out in the open air and be in this beautiful scenery was astounding.  This state and this time I have spent here will be forever with me.  Hopefully I will get the chance to visit again.  I have many memories that happened here and I would like to list all the great, amazing, funny, and emotional things that have happened!

  1. Walking for 3 hours the first day I got here just to get in the scenery and explore the city
  2. Running up the canyon with my sis
  3. Buying a plethora of new running gear
  5. Cafe rio - forever changed me
  6. The hot sauce store
  7. Utah Valley Half Marathon - my first!
  8. Tuscanos - to much food!
  9. Hiking to the hot springs
  10. Arches National Park
  11. Movies
  12. Cooking with Julia
  13. Eating soooo many pretzel m&m's
  14. Olympic Park
  15. Buying the new Nike running watch on a whim
  16. Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back
  17. The many friends I made here
  18. The great times I spent with my sister
  19. The time I got to spend with my brother and dad
  20. the memories I will never forget
  21. Ohhhh and did I mention Yogurtland!?
 The first run in Utah - up the Canyon
 YOGURTLAND - I'm obsessed
 The epic Hot Sauce Store
 Finishers of the Utah Valley Half and full Marathon!
 The Hot Springs
 Arches National Park
Finishers of Ragnar Wasatch Back!

I have so many memories and stories that I could share forever, but these are ones that stand out.  I had a blast and wouldn't trade these days for anything.  I love Utah and all it has to offer, and can't wait to visit again.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The best shower I have ever taken

The past 2 days have been soooo crazy!  Last week I did my first ever marathon, and then this weekend I decided to do my first ever Ragnar, crazy!  I was nervous, but I was excited for this.  I have heard so many good things about Ragnar that I just couldn't wait to start.  Our starting time was at 5 a.m., but luckily it got switched to 11.  I was runner number 4 so I only had to run 13.1 miles, which was great ha.  Getting there was amazing.  Seeing all the cars and the people and the energy between everything.  With all this happening, I just couldn't wait to start.  I knew no one on my team, except my sister, but after this whole experience, I loved getting to meet everyone!

The start

So I finally got to begin my first leg, which was 5.1 miles.  It was my hardest one of the day, with many small hills.  The thing that made it horrible was the heat, I had to run it at 3 p.m. right when it was the hottest.  I stayed strong and ran, but half way through I definitely needed some refueling so I took some sports beans, not the best idea.  They didn't sit well and I ended up throwing up twice.  Even though I threw up, I felt great finishing, I was 1/3 of the way done.
My second leg was at about 2 in the morning.  At first I didn't like the fact that I had to run in the dark, but this was my best leg.  It was 4.2 miles of flat road, awesome.  One of our runners got sick, so I ended up running with my sis.  I'm the type of runner who is like really OCD about running.  I have to listen to music and I have to especially run by myself.  My sister caught up to me with about .6 mile left.  She thought I would want to run by myself, but her there by my side ending my second leg was awesome!  It definitely gave me the boost I needed.
My last and final leg was a short 3.8 miles.  The thing was it was all downhill.  I love downhill, but I have been having major knee problems.  I was nervous, but sooo ready to finish.  I felt really great running the first 3 miles, but as I neared the end of the hill, something just didn't feel right.  My knee was in so much pain to where I could not run.  I ran farther, but had to walk.  After awhile I ran again, but there was no way I could do it.  I felt horrible, I felt like I was letting my team down by limping to the finish (i'm really paranoid about things like that too).  I wanted to quit so bad, but I pushed myself.  There was no way after all this hard work and it being the last leg, the last 1 mile, I was going to quit.  So even though I was slow jogging/limping/walking, I continued on.  I was determined.  I was soon going up this big hill, sweat and sunscreen in my eyes, when I look up and there's my sis.  I just starting crying.  I was in so much pain, I could barely run.  She stayed with me and got me through that last leg, I really don't know what I would have done without her.  She asked me if she just wanted the van to come pick me up, but I couldn't, I had to finish.  With a deep breath and the finish in sight, I slowly limped/ran to the finish line.  People I didn't even know were cheering me on.  It was the greatest feeling.  I cried for finishing, for staying strong, for all that had happened in the past 28 or so hours, for the pain, and for the amazing support I had on that leg and throughout the whole race.
My sis and I finishing out my last leg

Even though I wanted to do better during this Ragnar, I still loved it, and am so proud of myself.  I couldn't have done it without the support of my sister and of my amazing team. Crossing the finish line was great.  Even though I was hobbling and had to limp there with everyone else, it was a great feeling.  People clapped us on that didn't even know us, and that was an amazing feeling.  Meeting these people and doing this amazing race, was such a great experience.  I would do it all over again, even though there were a lot of ups and downs.  I want to continue to push and challenge myself in running and only get better.  I know I have it in me, but I just have to keep trying and keep training and stay healthy.  There are a lot of bumps along the road, like getting injured, but you can rest and get healthy and continue on.  Learn from the experiences you have.  My sister mentioned that this WAS my first Ragnar so to not get down on myself, because I will learn from this.  I definitely want to try and do another Ragnar, and from this first one, I have learned a lot, and know I can only go up from here.

 My amazing team which I could not have done anything without their incredible support
My sis and I after crossing the finish!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

There's a first for everything

There is a first for everything.  After long thought, like long thought and consideration, I decided to start my own blog.  I think this will be good for me.  A good way to get my thoughts out, and a good way for me to keep up and stick with running.  I'm excited.  So with all that said, this is my first ever blog post.

I have been in Utah now for about 8 days, and love it!  I'm not ready to leave and it sucks that the days are winding down.  It is one of the best experiences I have had in my life.  The first thing that hit me hard and made this something great, was running my first ever half-marathon!  It sucked, because I have never really ran that far in my life, so at like mile 11, I thought I might crawl to the finish line.  Yea that sounds lame and ridiculous, but that's me.  I loved every minute of the race, the scenery, the people, the energy, my family being there, my sister running, and crossing that finish line that seemed like every step I took, it seemed to get farther away.  The emotion I felt was great after I crossed that line, I wanted to cry, I wanted to collapse, but most of all I felt sooo happy.  I was on an energy that lasted all day, until bed when I literally fell right asleep (getting up at 3.30 a.m. doesn't suit me well).  I think the best part of the race wasn't even about me, it was my sister.  After my half, I met with my brother and dad and we went to Julia's 22 mile marker.  We waited for her and were spread out among the mile to cheer her on and take fabulous photos.  I was the last in line and one of Julia's friends warned me she was coming and I was prepared.  She came into sight and a rush of emotions came over me, I don't know what it was.  When she was passing me I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug and encouragement I could.  I cried.  I didn't cry for being sad or something terrible happening, but for my sister.  I don't think I have been that proud, happy, excited in my life.  My sister was running a marathon, her first, and was doing it.  She just recently got back from an injury, and she was going strong!  She is my role model.  I love her and am so proud of all her accomplishments.
The finish line was the best thing to cross.  I have done a decent amount of races, but this finish line was different.  It was like reaching a goal, making a change.  It was an awesome feeling to cross this new stage in my life.  Now I can only go up in my life after finishing this half marathon.  I'm new to running and know I have a lot ahead of me.  I'm excited to reach new levels, goals, and to continue running for a long time.

My sis and I before her full marathon and my half

My sis and I after, we made it!!!

I have my first ever Ragnar Relay tomorrow and am sooo nervous.  I have been having trouble with my knees so I hope everything goes well tomorrow.  I'm going to try and run my best, and just have fun with it.  That's what running is to me.  I don't think I could ever race, because I am not that great of a runner, but I want to at least have fun with it, and make a better lifestyle for myself.  I am really excited to see what's to come.

So this is my journey.  This is the start, this is my blog.  I hope you enjoy it, and reach your own goals that you set, just like I want to do so myself.
I found this quote and thought it was great, and something I want to remember through everything, especially the hard times and the times I want to give up...

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I'm Possible"
- Audrey Hepburn-